Sunday, September 27, 2015

Keep Your Ideas

There are a lot of things I want to do in my life. I want to open a bakery and a restaurant, publish novels, and write and direct a movie. Whenever I get inspired with an idea for one of these projects, I write it down on a dry erase board in my room. Sometimes, when I'm not in my room, I'll write it down on whatever paper I have at the moment, then take it to the board. It's so important to keep up with your ideas, because you never know what idea will become a success. It would be a shame if you thought of something amazing, but didn't write it down, and then eventually you saw that same idea done by someone else, who is now seeing major success because of it. So, do what I do, and keep your ideas. It's also great to have them where you can always see them, to keep you motivated to expand on your ideas, and create something new.

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