Sunday, October 25, 2015

Consider Your Parking

Something I've noticed lately, that I don't think a lot of businesses consider, is parking. Perhaps the owners are too preoccupied with the other aspects of opening their businesses that they fail to consider where exactly their costumers are going to park. There is a big name pharmacy in a town where I frequently shop, and the parking lot is so difficult to get into that I rarely shop there. I only go there when it's absolutely necessary, and when those dreadful moments come, I feel so anxious thinking about having to get into the lot. I don't have a picture of it, but you basically have to pull a u-turn into the lot, all while avoiding cars coming out of the drive-thru lane, and avoiding cars parked in front of the building. There is literally just enough space for one vehicle to u-turn into the parking lot, from a busy highway, and it is beyond terrifying. I know that most owners don't have control of how their parking lots are designed, but I think it's definitely something you should consider when you are looking for spaces to rent or buy for your business. As an anxious driver, I will go without something that I desperately need if it means that I don't have to navigate through an insane parking lot, or cross many lanes of traffic to get to the building.

1 comment:

  1. Good observation. Some parking lots are designed this way on purpose. Although maybe not quite as difficult as what you are describing. I know of several banks where you cannot enter their parking lot from the main road. They have a decent sized parking lot, but it is difficult to get into. When I inquired about it, I was told that it makes it difficult for a thief to get out onto the main highway after robbing the bank. If it takes an extra 5-15 seconds for them to get away, this could be all that the police need to catch them. The good thieves will plan out their escape and they will recognize that this is a problem and avoid this bank altogether. And that is exactly what the bank is hoping for. Something similar might have gone into the planning of a pharmacy since they have lots of drugs.
